Mindset Mastery: Remain Open to Feedback

Skill #18 of 101: The ability to remain open to feedback and ‘try it on’ Remaining open to feedback is tough, I get it. In the moment, we regress to feeling like a kid getting told off and become defensive as our flight or flight response kicks in to combat a perceived lack of safety.… Continue reading Mindset Mastery: Remain Open to Feedback

Mindset Mastery: Learn to Enjoy Stillness

Skill #17 of 101: The ability to learn to enjoy stillness, while it comes naturally to some, it’s alien to others. I’m fascinated by some people’s resistance to stop everything and simply be still. It makes me wonder, what are they afraid of? Being an introvert who’s very affected by noise, maybe this comes more… Continue reading Mindset Mastery: Learn to Enjoy Stillness

Mindset Mastery: Push Back on Requests That Don’t Work for You

Skill #16 of 101: The ability to push back on requests that don’t work for you is pivotal to your success. Although it might feel awkward at times, learning to push back on requests that don’t work for you is so important. I know this from personal experience and having coached many people who resist… Continue reading Mindset Mastery: Push Back on Requests That Don’t Work for You

Mindset Mastery: Use Your Shadow Values to Your Advantage

Skill #15 of 101: The ability to embrace your dark side and use your shadow values to your advantage. There’s joy in recognising our strengths and it’s pretty easy to do. Exploring our darker side, however, is rather uncomfortable because it’s wrapped up with shame and guilt. What if you could let go of that… Continue reading Mindset Mastery: Use Your Shadow Values to Your Advantage

Mindset Mastery: Raise Your Energy When You’re Feeling Flat

Skill #14 of 101: The ability to raise your energy to positively influence group of people, when you’re feeling flat yourself is a skill worth practicing. This time of year, we’re all pretty tired, pulling out all the stops to get everything done in time for Christmas. Coincidentally, it’s also the time of year for… Continue reading Mindset Mastery: Raise Your Energy When You’re Feeling Flat

Mindset Mastery: Practicing Active Listening for an Increased Connection

Skill #13 of 101: The ability to practice active listening and empathise, without making suggestions One of the hardest skills to learn as a coach is active listening – suspending judgment, assumptions and personal preferences to simply be with the client. To empathise fully with what the other person is experiencing and not want to… Continue reading Mindset Mastery: Practicing Active Listening for an Increased Connection

Mindset Mastery: Give Constructive Feedback that Deepens Relationships

Skill #12 of 101: The ability to give constructive feedback that deepens relationships. Many people struggle to know how to give someone feedback without offending them. One of the most popular tools I teach is a ‘no tears’ script for just that. The key to mastering this skill is to ensure that the feedback is… Continue reading Mindset Mastery: Give Constructive Feedback that Deepens Relationships

Mindset Mastery: Overcoming Unconscious Bias

Skill #11 of 101: The ability to recognise your unconscious bias towards someone and set it aside What is unconscious bias? Simply put, it’s “Judgments and behaviours toward others that we’re not aware of.” (Harvard Business Review) So what? We display unconscious bias when we favour or discriminate against people because of these influences without… Continue reading Mindset Mastery: Overcoming Unconscious Bias

Mindset Mastery: Make Decisions Using Your Head, Heart and Gut

Mindset Mastery Skill #10 of 101: The ability to make decisions using your head, heart and gut It’s probably not news to you that neuroscience has proven that we each have three brains. The one we most often rely on is the head (cephalic) brain, but we also have a heart (cardiac) brain and a… Continue reading Mindset Mastery: Make Decisions Using Your Head, Heart and Gut

Mindset Mastery: Having the Self-belief to Know You’ll Cope

Mindset Mastery Skill #9 of 101: Having the self-belief to know that you’ll cope with whatever happens On my office wall, I have a sign that says, “Trust Your Journey”. It’s been there a while and is part of the furniture, but I still look to it when I’m feeling unsure. I’ve proven to myself… Continue reading Mindset Mastery: Having the Self-belief to Know You’ll Cope