Mindset Mastery Skill #6 of 101: The ability to see ‘sliding doors’ moments in your past and appreciate where you are right now
Being grateful is a gift. So many people I coach have fixated on the past in terms of what they lack, what they missed out on, what they ‘failed’ at, rather than what they have.
What if, instead, we gave thought to the ‘sliding doors’ moments that provided us with opportunities and outcomes that we weren’t even striving for back then?
I think it’s really healthy to stop and consider the seemingly accidental wins that brought us to where we are today – all the people you met along the way, the resources and opportunities that came to you when you needed them, the timing that just seemed to miraculously fall into place.
💜 Who are you grateful for meeting? What positive effect did they have on your life?
💜 What ‘luck’ have you had in the past that got you out of a scrape at the 11th hour?
💜 Where might you have ended up if things hadn’t worked out as well as they have?