4 Reasons to Create a Coaching Culture in Your Team

As a manager, how many times a day do you get people coming to you with questions? Often the same questions that they’ve asked before. In a busy work day when you’re running between meetings, it seems easier to just give people the answer rather than coach them to a solution, but you’re only delaying… Continue reading 4 Reasons to Create a Coaching Culture in Your Team

3 Key Skills You Need to Influence Others Effectively

No matter how much technology we incorporate into our work lives, essentially organisations function through a series of human interactions. We can’t succeed alone. That’s why our ability to influence others effectively is pivotal to our success and the further up the ladder we climb, the less important our technical skills are and the more… Continue reading 3 Key Skills You Need to Influence Others Effectively

3 Ways to Be More Generous Day-to-Day

Many of us are generous this time of year, giving to friends and family, sharing our homes and our food, but it doesn’t have to be Christmas for us to give to others. What if we were generous enough to do something lovely for one person every day in 2018? Last night, I was lucky… Continue reading 3 Ways to Be More Generous Day-to-Day